Company Section

Welcome to the Company and Seniors area of the website…

The Company and Senior Section take great pride in the diverse range of activities and badge work we offer boys as they progress through our ranks. We have many activities planned into the diary for this coming session including Battalion/National competitions for football, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, first aid & cross country running.

Boys in P7-S2 are in our Company Section while those in S3-S6 form the Senior Section. Although both sections start and finish the night together each section follows its own dedicated programme tailored to their age group.

We enjoy an annual weekend away at Scott Lodge in the stunning Glen Doll and organise regular foreign trips.

We follow the BB awards framework through the 6 activity areas:

  • Get Active
  • Get Adventurous
  • Get Creative
  • Get into the Bible
  • Get Involved
  • Get Learning

This session we have boys working towards their President’s Badge and undertaking their two year journey to the King’s Badge – this being the highest award within the BB framework.

On top of this we also offer all of our boys the opportunity to take part in, and hopefully achieve the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. At present we have boys working on the Bronze, Silver & Gold levels of the award.

We are members of the Scotland Supporters Club and as such are awarded tickets for all of Scotland’s home international matches at Hampden Park.

Some of the highlights of the activities mentioned above can be viewed on this website.

We meet every Friday night at Falkirk High School between 7.30pm and 9.45pm.

In this section of the website you can find details of our normal activities and view photos of recent events. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us via

We are currently on our summer holidays however are recruiting for our restart in August 2024.

Mr Russell Croal

Officer In Charge – Company and Senior Section