
Welcome to the Anchors area of the website…

We strive to have an action packed, fun night every week with lots of games and arts & craft projects.

We teach the boys life skills such as road safety and fire safety. We open and close every meeting with a short service where we will sing a verse of a hymn and say a prayer. We also read stories to the boys.

Our aim is for the boys is to:-

Learn new skills: the dexterity required for arts and crafts, following simple instructions for games and activities

Develop confidence: given opportunities to do things for themselves, praise for good behaviour, taking part in simple role play, mime and drama

Develop physical skills: co-ordination games, hopping, skipping and balancing

Develop independence: being given simple choices of activities, short trips and visits

Develop a group identity: belonging to a group, going on trips as a group, taking part in group activities

Develop an awareness of the needs of others: learning to share and co-operate

Develop a personal identity: learning about how we are all different, looking at different needs and interests of others

There are three activity badges the boys can achieve along with a service badge.

We have Halloween and Christmas parties planned along with our annual outing. We are planning visits from the local police and fire brigade. I hope this gives you a picture of what we strive for, here in 3rd Falkirk.

The Anchors meet every Friday night at Falkirk High School between 6.15pm and 7.15pm. The boys age ranges from primary 1 to primary 3.

In this section of the website you can find details of our normal activities and as the session progresses will be able to view photos of recent events. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us.

We are currently on our summer holidays however are recruiting for our restart in August 2024.

Mr Ross Scott

Anchors Officer-in-Charge