P4 to P6 Boys
As with all of 3rd Falkirk, the Juniors take great pride in the diverse range of activities and badge work we offer boys as they progress through our ranks.
Our meetings are crammed full of activities, challenges and games. We have activities catering for just about every possible interest. At the same time we try to encourage them to explore other new interests. There is loads of variety and little chance of becoming bored!
Our Friday night activities have had a lot of variety to them and with use of all the sports facilities at Falkirk High School boys are able to enjoy a wide range of individual and team games. Highlights include – basketball, bean bag snatch, firemans ladder, football, hockey, parachute games, superman rounders and two particular favourites of the boys – dodgeball and jump the river. We also go swimming on the last Friday of every month
The variety continues with our badge work, which requires the boys to complete a number of achievements in each of the six categories: Get Active, Get Into the Bible, Get Creative, Get Learning, Get Adventurous and Get Involved.
The Juniors is all about:
- having fun
- making friends
- enjoying lots of activities
- trying new things
The Juniors meet every Friday night at Falkirk High School between 7.15pm and 8.30pm (9pm on the last Friday of the month – swimming night). Membership of the Juniors costs £15 per month (August – May).
Take a look at the links below for more information on our activities, our badges and the latest news from the Juniors. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us via juniors@3rdfalkirkbb.co.uk
Click here to register to join the Juniors and we will be in touch with more information.
David Seaton
Juniors Leader-in-Charge